i got my ass out of the house today.
paid library fine and i must say, it so convenient!
u just scan your library card and they will automatically track your records ehh.
returned my uniform.
familiar faces. i kinda regret quitting.
i need my source of income!
trained home and saw chartan.
caught up a little. it's been a while.
i just wanted to cut my fringe and i ended up cutting my hair!
so,im stuck with this not-bob hairstyle for now.
i totally have no idea why i told the stylist to snip 1 inch off my hair.
kinda regret. wait, i regretted!
fringe is eff-ing short now luh!

owells, at least i dont have to go to school now.
let it grow grow grow!
have to optimistic now. no choice! LOL!
was waiting for becca for dinner.
so i headed down to Starbucks.
caramel with coffee jelly. nice:)

headed to paradise inn for dinner.
an awesome meal with tons of catchup time!
and her iphonefour.
amazingly gorgeous. camera with flash. i like:)
walked home.
i really dont like my hair luh!!
toodles peeps:)