hang out with parents today:)
started the day with busing all the way to cheena town to makan the famous dark chicken.hahs. the black sauce, WOAH!! power!! mama said whenever she eats e chicken she thinks of me! hahs. cause i love salty black sauce:) hahs.
walked to the CENTRAL at clarke quay. its like a new shopping centre lahs.
very very difficult to walk. hahs. shops were basically hidden??LOL. but then, saw thie pair of lacoste shoes.WOW!! damn chio. 95 bucks. cheap daoo.
but then, on second thought, no pt.HAHS.
then went to liang court. omgomgomg,its been like a million long yrs since ive went there lahs.
so many jap peeps:) love them to core man.hahs. their accents.hahs
then while walking to clarke quay mrt, saw the beautiful sunset, used the instant cam:) hahs.
nice picca:) hahs. we were like choosing people to help us take the picture lahs.hahs . in the end, dad gt an adult. hahs. i told him to ask young people.lol. but nvm, effects nice! hahs
trained dwn to tampines. saw dear wenqi on train with her bf.LOL. wtf, msg her nv reply, i had to show my face lahs.HAHS.
dad almost gt me an IPHONE.but cause singtel cant be received at my house, so in the end didnt get it. but still, i gt a new phone:) totally love e querky pad.hahs. damn chio!! hahs
85 for supper:) hahs.
toodles peeps:)
ps-i realised my dad loves to take pictures!! inheritance!! hahas