i want this colored hair.
and if you notice, her necklace.
i cant make it whether its cockroach or a beetle. but its damn cool.
what a center piece!
on the other hand, i totally dread my fringe.
its TOO straight and TOO short!
shit luh. damn cheena doll-ish.
nways, i realised when i go out, i'll have a hard time choosing my bag.
if you know me, you'd know i only have like 4-5 bags?
my red crumpler, dickies, cotton-on bag and my recently malaysia-bought mega huge bag.
ive seen a couple youtube videos and blogs and they have posts on what they carry in their bags.
i find it very interesting ehh!
a woman's bag can never miss out on the following items:
tissue pack
a leisure book
which shows why our bags are so heavy!
interesting right?!
maybe not so luh, but its true right?
toodles peeps:)