OOP was like WTF? hahs. soooo HUH? the only thing i could absorb throughout the lesson was GARBAGE collector.HAHS.
2 hour break was WAHLAO!! wenqi went for blood donation:) brave girl man!! HAHAS. i'd never do it in a million yrs. even if a million yrs were to arrive, i won't do it too.LOL!!
qifeng styled my hair and OMGOMGOMG!! flat flat to high high. i macham became qf's twin. hahs. exact hair replica.HAHS. can u imagine??? LOL.!! hard was freakin hard like stone sia. macham like durian.HAHS.
ERP was kindda interesting? hahs. did calculations. i kindda like e calculations part cause thats e only thing i know? hahs.
chionged dwn to tampines to meet the girls.
and my oh my, i was like carrying this prima deli plastic bag all over school containing 2 carebear cupcakes.HAHS.damn auntie!!!
makaned at ajisen. mr LEONG s.w. was suppose to come but wth!! he dua us! i knew it lahs.hahs. i still told him ytd dont dua us! LOL. nvm la. happy 19th in advance:)
dinner was full-shit. i mean damn damn damn full!! hahs. went to open plaza after makaning. major camwhore session:) hahs. funfunfun!! but my OH-SO-qifeng hairstyled became OH-SO-auntie hairstyle. so my piccas were like shit!!
nways,sang bday song for MELISSA HENG H.F. !!
19 years old!! hahs.. old shit! hahas
had fun with them. macham i talktalktalk nia. hahs.
told them my infamous jokes which i think they listen till sian le.hahs.
the uhu glue joke. mel said it was FUNNY!! hahs. toldya, someone would find it funny:)
bused homewith reb @ about 930:)
my lovely MUSE shirt came today!!!
and i totally LOVE IT!! hahs. the colour combination, POWER!!!
shall pair it with denim:) hahs
tons of stuffs happening tmr!!
cfm gng for temple,ecp cycling
some mother's day church event. aint cfm. LOL.
work on sunday with jas.i cannot believe we are working together man!!
haha. i intro de lor! HAHS
toodles peeps:)