omg. my muse shirt is in s'pore!! hahs.
should be able to get it next week:)
imma happy girl!!
super boliao last night. so was webcamming with vint.LOL.
lamer ass, at home wear cap. act emo nia.LOL.
and the reason for changing his side of fringe is cause tere's fringe is on the left side.
one word, LAME!!!
anways, by POPULAR DEMAND, i will post my joke here!!
do you know why sometimes the train suddenly stops?
because a flock of birds just flew pass:)
funny hor!!!! i think funny leh. hahs. at least when i told to some people, they LAUGH!!
stayhome sunday. next week wont be stay home, WORK!! hahs.
realise theres tons of hw!! netcom tutorial 2..
yr 2 is just freakin' hectic!!! homework every week.
i seriously dont rmv having hw in yr 1. LOL. or was i a better student then. LOL.
im seriously a slacker like shit.LOL.
school tomorrow. i cant wait!!! stayhome's a bore!! HAHS
toodles peeps:)